Friday, April 23, 2010


David and Jane’s youngest daughter, Margaret Owens is the only one of their children who didn’t leave Licking County, Ohio. According to the 1900 US census, she was born in May of 1846 in Ohio. She was the only one of their children to be born in the US. She stayed with her mother after her father died. She was living with Jane in the 1880 census, and stayed single until after Jane died. She married Elias Davis around 1892. I imagine that they lived on the “homestead” after their marriage, and there are several news articles in the Newark papers showing that they were residing in Newark area. Elias died on October 22, 1909 and was buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Margaret continued to live in Newark at least through 1915. Her brother’s obituary says that she is living in Columbus, Ohio in 1920, and I can’t find her in the Newark census, but I can’t definitively find her in the Columbus census either. Her sister’s obituary says that she is living in Newark as of January 1922. She died on February 19, 1924 and is buried in Newark’s Cedar Hill Cemetery. The 1900 census shows that she never had any children.

I just realized that the group picture I have that includes Maggie and her husband Elias was taken in Los Angeles California. Some of the other Owens, or maybe some of his family? Yes!! More questions, more research. As usual there are variations on the name, sometimes it was Davies, but usually was Davis, and was always Davis in the newspaper articles.

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